Jul 29, 2021

Today is a special day and we want to congratulate our winners of yesterday’s first crypto poker tournament!

Our amazing Bloffer_ugur placed 1st!

We want to thank the 660 players that participated on the tournament, 125 player went home with cash prices, some of the highest cash prices went to Bloffer_ugur ($1900 + NFT worth $2250), GlennGTR1 ($1000) and TimJ1 ($656).

These guys are already STACKING!

Congratulations to top 10 whitelist winners:

  • 1st Bloffer_ugur
  • 2nd GlennGTR1
  • 3rd TimJ1
  • 4th Dompa020
  • 5th pp6256264
  • 6th pp6256819
  • 7th pp6264414
  • 8th slappedagoat
  • 9th pp6262288
  • 10th FábioLM

We would also want to share with you the list of winners that knocked out the bounties:

  • Jeronimo — pp6264483
  • Ivan Schvintt — dyor_tele
  • Marcelo — TimJ1
  • Emma Lopez Iausen — TimJ1
  • Daniel Razaei — zwordfish
  • Armin Rezaei — elmellipiray
  • Pablox55 — abdellah

Next time you can be the winner! Join NUTS GAMING!